Stainland. 5.5.51

Cudworth, 24.8.52

Sheep Pasture, 25.04.53


This collection includes records of railtours promoted jointly by the MLS, as well as a selection of articles from past issues of the MLS journal The Mancunian, enhanced by photographs and further information.

SLS/MLS Railtours

The Stephenson Locomotive Society (SLS) was founded in 1909 for the study of rail transport and locomotives. During the 1950s and 1960s the Stephenson Locomotive Society and the Manchester Locomotive Society collaborated in the planning and running of a number of railtours.

Links in the list, where present, are to completed articles.

1.    The Pennine Rail Tour Special. Saturday, 5th May, 1951.
2.    Potteries Railtour.    26th May, 1952.
3.    Hull & Barnsley Railtour.    Sunday, 24th August, 1952.
3a.  Denbighshire Railtour 6 September, 1952
4.    High Peak Railtour.    Saturday, 25th April, 1953.
5.    High Peak Railtour.    Saturday, 27th June, 1953.
6.    West Riding Railtour.    Sunday, 6th September, 1953.
7.    North Lancashire Railtour.    Saturday, 1st May, 1954.
8.    West Cumberland Railtour.    Sunday, 5th September, 1954.
9.    Shropshire Railtour.    Saturday, 23rd April, 1955.
10.    Northern Dales Railtour.   Sunday, 4th September, 1955.
11.    Old Manchester Railtour.    Saturday, 12th May, 1956.
12.    Excursion, Manchester to Darlington. Sunday 2nd September, 1956.
13.    Caernarvonshire Railtour.    5th May, 1957.
14.    Whittingham Hospital Railway Tour.    1st June, 1957.
15.    West Durham Railtour.    31st August, 1958.
16.    Merseyside Railtour.    6th June, 1959.
17.    Northern Fells Railtour.    Sunday, 29th May, 1960.
18.    High Peak Railtour.    22nd April, 1961.
19.    Furness Railtour.    27th August, 1961.
20.    High Peak Railtour.    Saturday, 30th September, 1961.
21.    Leicestershire Railtour   Saturday, 8th September, 1962.
22.    Durham Railtour.    Saturday, 13th October, 1962.
23.    Carlisle Railtour.    Saturday, 6th April, 1963.
24.    Caernarvonshire Railtour.    Sunday, 20th October, 1963.
25.    Great Central Railtour.    Saturday, 18th April, 1964.
26.    Whitby Moors Railtour.    Saturday, 6th March, 1965.
27.    Shropshire Railtour.    Saturday, 11th September, 1965.
28.    Lakes and Fells Railtour.    Saturday, 2nd April, 1966.
29.    High Peak Railtour.    Saturday, 4th March, 1967.
30.    Ashington Railtour.    Saturday, 10th June, 1967.
31.    West Cumberland Railtour.    2nd March, 1968.
32.    Durham Coast Railtour.    7th September, 1968.
33.    Ravenglass and Rowrah Railtour.    Saturday, 15th March, 1969.
34.    Longtown Railtour.    Friday, 14th May, 1982.
35.    Yorkshire Moors Railtour.    Saturday, 2nd October, 1971.
36.    Welsh Marches Railtour.    Saturday, 14th October, 1972.

Articles from the Mancunian Archive

Minotaur's last journey - by Ken Millward

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